What are the Benefits of Using Long-Tail Keywords in SEO?

benefits of long tail keywords in seo

Want to get more calls, meetings and clients? Then you need to understand long-tail keywords a little better and how they can help your digital marketing strategy. Keywords play a major role in SEO, and picking out the right keywords is one step on the path to search engine success.

When we think about traditional short-tail keywords, they are certainly still important, but adding in long-tail keywords helps with gaining attention using a more targeted approach.

Today, we will explore the benefits of using long-tail keywords in SEO and how they can help improve your online visibility and drive more engaged traffic to your website.

What are Long-Tail Keywords?

Long-tail keywords are specific search phrases that are usually made up of three or more words. They’re typically more descriptive and specific than short-tail words and tend to have a lower search volume.

For example, a short-tail keyword might be “headphones,” while a long-tail keyword might be “headphones for runners.”

Long-tail keywords are becoming increasingly important in SEO because they allow you to target specific audience segments and reach users who are more likely to convert. They are also less pages out there ranking in the SERPs, which makes it easier to your page to get found by potential customers faster.

Benefits of Using Long-Tail Keywords in SEO

  1. Increased Targeted Traffic

Probably the biggest benefit of using long-tail keywords in SEO is user intent. Because long-tail keywords are more specific, the searcher is further along in the buying (or discovery) process and are more likely to convert – which brings us to our next benefit.

  1. Higher Conversion Rates

Another benefit of using long-tail keywords is that they tend to have higher conversion rates. Using our example above, someone searching for “headphones for runners” is more likely to be interested in buying headphones with specific features they need than someone who is simply searching for “headphones” for casual use.

  1. Lower Competition

Long-tail keywords are also less competitive than short-tail keywords, which makes it easier to rank for them and get found by potential customers. This is because fewer websites are targeting these specific keywords, which means that there is less competition for rankings. This can help you get ahead of your competitors and get found by potential customers who are searching for products or services related to your business.

  1. Better User Experience

Using long-tail keywords in your website content can also help improve the user experience on your website. Nothin’ says lovin’ like getting information to searchers that they are looking for in a fast and efficient way. This can keep users coming back for more of what you got.

  1. Better Understanding of Your Audience

Using long-tail keywords in your SEO efforts can also help you better understand your audience. After analyzing the keywords that users are searching for, you gain insights into what their pain points are and how they are looking for your product or service. This data can feed right back into more relevant content, in-turn improving your overall SEO strategy more 🙂

To sum it up, using long-tail keywords in your SEO efforts can greatly improve the marketing and SEO strategy for your website. Finding avenues for increased targeted traffic, higher conversion rates, lower competition, better user experience, and a better understanding of your audience, is a no-brainer when you ask us.

If you have questions and would like to start taking advantage of the benefits of long-tail keywords without having to learn SEO or hire a full time employee, contact us today to get started.

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